Rudolf van der Haar
r.vanderhaar@workershealth.euan industrial hygienist graduated at the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands started his professional career at the extension program of the Chemistry Faculty of the University of Amsterdam, giving technical assistance to the social partners in the field of occupational health.
From 1989 till 1999 he worked in Latin America for the WHO/PAHO and the Dutch Directorate of International Cooperation, developing and guiding the execution of national and international projects related to workers health. After having being employed for 2 years as an industrial hygienist in a French multinational company (MEGAPLAST), actually he is responsible for the industrial hygiene program of MC-MUTUAL, a mayor Spanish insurance company for occupational accidents and diseases.
Besides he works as a freelance consultant, participating in several research projects and giving courses dealing with chemical exposure risks. He is member of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), the Dutch Association of Occupational Hygiene (NVvA) y vice-chair of the Spanish Industrial Hygiene Association (AEHI), as well as co-founder of the WHI foundation.
Ad de Rooij
a.derooij@workershealth.euoccupational health physician graduated at the Radboud University in the Netherlands.
From 1984 till 1989 he worked for WHO/PAHO in Latin America as an associate expert in the field of workers health, seated in Peru.
He participated in several projects such as Finding practical solutions in the field of safety and health with Coordinadora Interfederal de Salud (CIS- Peru ) financed by FNV Mondiaal.
From 1993 till 2006 he worked as a coordinating physician for Stigas, a successful foundation from the Dutch agricultural social partners, for safety and health at agricultural work. He worked some years for the Dutch Labour Inspectorate and actually he is again working for the agricultural sector. He is co-founder and chairman of the Workers Health Impulse foundation.